NLC 2016's Unforgettable Moments

I got a fantastic experience during NLC (National Leader Camp) 2016. This camp held on 3 until 7 August 2016. All of the awardee RK (Rumah Kepemimpinan) Scholarship was gathered in one place to increase their knowledge before dormitory's term. They were about 270 awardees from the chosen Indonesian's College such as UI, ITB, UGM, ITS, Unair, IPB, USU, Unhas. I didn't count how many moments that I have got. Some of the moments were inspiring, funny, uncommon, and heartbreaking.

1. Inspiring Speakers

NLC 2016 where I could meet incredible speakers. Mostly they were public figures in Indonesia and alumni RK who has succeeded. They were :
Bachtiar Firdaus (Director of RK),
Husain Ibrahim (Founder RK),
Ustad Musholi (Founder RK),
Sudirman Said (Former Ministry of Energy and Human Resource),
Sandiaga Uno (Former XXXX),
Anies Baswedan (Former Ministry of Education),
Yoyok Sudibyo (Mayor of Batang),
Suyoto (Mayor of Bojonegoro),
Ricky Elson (Founder Mobil Selo),
Achmad Zaky (CEO,
Faldo Maldini (Founder,
Dalu Nuzul Kirom (Founder Melukis Harapan),
Gesa Falugon (Alumni RK),
Yogi Alwendra (Alumni RK),
Nur Agis Aulia (Agropreuner).

2. Heartbreaking Statements

a. Bactiar Yusuf said that Prophetic Leadership must acquit adoration among human but only to God. He also said that there were four things to build a Quranic culture: much reading, purging, teaching, and mastery of information and issue.
b. Husain Ibrahim said that indicator of Islamic character is someone who doing good deeds from waking up until sleeping again always remembering ikhlas to Allah.
c. Sudirman Said gave us tips to stop holding yourself back: Don't focus only on your own goals, Sometimes you need not protecting your public image, Don't wait to say hello or give a help, Trust to people, and You must be initiative.
d. Faldo Maldini said that everyone must have own definition during their life.
e. Sandiago Uno said that a good leader is a good reader. He also gave us four tips to achieve our goals; Strong will, Taking a decision, Not Afraid of failure, A willpower to develop the others.
f. Yoyok Sudibyo said that if you want to be different, you have to dare.
g. Ustad Musholi said that minds are like parachutes, they only function when open.
h. Suyoto said that every leader is a seller.
i. Anies Baswedan said that character is not formed but grown and familiarized.

3. Semi-military

It was my first-time breakfast, lunch, and dinner ala semi-military. First, we must line up along the room and then face one-by-one. Someone will say "Sit, ready, and pray" but the challenge is only five or three minutes to consume the meal.

4. Togetherness

I felt lucky after meeting the unique people from all over regions in RK. They have big dreams, great minds, and good deeds. These items made our solid friendship and warmth of the atmosphere. Hope that our togetherness will make a collaboration in the future time.


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